So I had been doing home care 10 years when I got pregnant with my 2nd child. You can imagine how difficult it was doing home care in the neighborhoods I was sometimes sent into. I had to climb rickety steps, was attacked by 2 dogs, and dealt with every smell imaginable in that 9 months.
One day I was going into a less desirable neighborhood to see a patient. I was 8 months pregnant and as big as a house. Well this patient had a gate that was broken. So to be able to get inside the fence and up the the house to see my patient I had to somehow scale this fence. I am not the most graceful person even on my best days so adding another 30+ pounds from the pregnancy and you can just imagine me trying to get over the fence. I struggled mightily for about 10 minutes before finally getting over the fence. The whole time the patients' nephew is sitting on the porch drinking a 40 ounce watching my struggle without comment. At this point I am sweaty and bitchy and really just want to go home. The patients nephew walks off the porch and proceeds to hop right over the gate. He then turns to me and says "Damn baby, I bet you look gooood when you aren't pregnant." I just looked at him, gathered up my remaining shred of dignity and waddled in to see his uncle.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Clara; Nurse & crisis negotiator extraordinaire

Nothing makes me more nervous, than getting a call from a patient after hours. Usually, there is some type of medical issue they are seeking advice about. However, one hot, August Saturday afternoon, I received a call from the wife of my patient. She was frantic, and I started to think the worst. I finally calmed her down, and she told me her husband wasn't acting right. I reassured her, I was on my way. Stroke? Heart Attack? Infection? What could be wrong. As I raced to the front door, she greeted me with a tear stained face. "Where is he?" I asked. She pointed to the garage. The knot in my stomach just got bigger. I moved as fast as I could through the house into the garage. And there he was. Sitting in the drivers side of his new Buick. Now, I am confused. I looked at his wife, and asked what was going on. She then preceded to explain to me, they had a big argument. He wanted fish for dinner, and she already had pork chops in the oven. Really????? He became so upset, he stormed outside to the garage, and locked himself in the car. He had been there for an hour before she called me, refusing to get out of the car. So, when she told me he wasn't acting right, she simply meant misbehaving? not getting along with others?? Apparently so. I knocked on the window. He ignored me, and looked away. It was 90 degrees outside. He could really get in trouble. I yelled through the window to open the door, and he shook his head no. After 15 minutes of attempting to get him out, he still refused. Now what? Well, no other choice.. 911 can I help you?? Yes, you can, I'm a home care nurse, and my patient is upset and locked himself in his car, and has been there over an hour. After a few minutes, police and EMS arrived. He continued to refuse to get out. I stood there in disbelief. As the police finally told him get out, or they would break his window, he slowly opened the door. As he got out of the car, he looked at the officer and said, " If you would've broke my window, I wouldn't be able to go buy my fish dinner..." I saw this patient for several months after this, but this incident was never discussed.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Yeah Ummm No Thanks

As we have established in previous posts we see patients from all walks of life, ages, and areas. Sometimes we get patients that are very young and through major abuses of their bodies are dealing with health problems that people 3 times their age deal with.
The patient I will talk about today was a gentleman in his early adulthood who looked to be in his early 50's. He was a chronic drug abuser(cocaine), alcoholic, and had a history of tracheal cancer. Due to the cancer he had a tracheostomy(hole in the neck through which he breathed) and a g-tube(a tube that goes directly into the stomach since he could no longer eat by mouth). I had actually caught him many times smoking cigarettes through his trach. I went to visit him one day and he was pouring beer down his g-tube. I proceeded to give him a long lecture about why he should not be putting alcohol down his g-tube due to the large amounts of medications he was on and the dangers of mixing those medications with alcohol. He listened intently for a few minutes, then calmly said "Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to get high with me, I guess that is out of the question?".
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Have You Seen Her?????
One crazy, hectic, Friday afternoon I was planning to see my husband/wife patients at the end of the day. Their visits were typically uneventful, and I really enjoyed taking care of them. With his hearing loss, and her confusion, we often wondered if they were ok at home alone. But they complimented one another, and did just fine. As I walked up to the door, I checked my watch- just enough time to do my visits, and be on my way. I loudly knocked(so he could hear), and announced myself through the door, (so she wouldnt be afraid). I heard her come to the door, after I guided her through the process of turning the lock, then turning the handle(yes, I had to instruct her to turn the knob), she let me in. "Oh" she said, "You're here, let me go get my husband from the bedroom". I took my coat off, sat down on the couch, and started filling out my paperwork. After a few minutes, I still continued to sit there.. what was she doing??? By this point, frustration was setting in. I was now going to be completely off schedule. Waiting. Waiting. More waiting. Fifteen minutes had passed. Now I didnt know what to do.. go look for them or just leave. Well, I couldnt just leave. I slowly walked to the bedroom door, and called through the door "yoo hoo". Nothing. Now, I was starting to panic. I had to go in. I had to make sure they were ok. I slowly opened the door, as I peaked in, the lights were off. I became more nervous. I flipped on the lights to find the two of them in bed- SLEEPING!! She went in to get him, he was napping, saw him sleeping- and got in bed too! They both quickly sat up in bed looking more startled than I was, and she looked at me and said, "Who let you in????" After 30 minutes in the home, I never did get to do my visits. I told them I would be back tomorrow because they were napping now.
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